Men’s use of health services: is it all bad?

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Men take longer than women to go to the doctor with symptoms of lung cancer and malignant melanoma (the worst type of skin cancer), according to research recently published in the Annals of Oncology. Previous research has found they delay longer than women with bladder and other urological cancers. We also know that men are less likely to take part in the national bowel cancer screening programme. Read the rest of this entry »

Challenges and Changes in Men’s Health – past achievements and next steps

Friday, November 16th, 2012

Last night, I was honoured by an invitation to speak at a joint Men’s Health Forum/Royal Society of Public Health reception on the theme of ‘Challenges and  Changes in Men’s Health’. The event was held to mark my departure (in August) from MHF after 12 years as Chief Executive and my appointment to the RSPH Academy of Experts. As well as being an opportunity to celebrate with friends and colleagues old and new, I wanted to map out some of MHF’s achievements and some of the key issues now coming to the fore in men’s health. Read the rest of this entry »

Men and pharmacy: an opportunity waiting to happen?

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Ask Your Pharmacist Week 2012 is now underway. The focus this year is on ‘Engaging Men’. This is a very significant initiative because men hugely under-use pharmacy services,  especially for advice and information. The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) reckons that men on average visit a pharmacy four times a year while women go 18 times a year. Read the rest of this entry »