My Publications

I have written extensively about men’s issues and men’s health since the 1980s. In addition to a wide range of articles in newspapers, magazines and websites, I have contributed:

This easy-to-read, thoroughly-researched book is truly comprehensive and wide-ranging. Real Health for Men works as both a reference book and as a good read, something I thought was an impossible trick to pull off until I read it – all in all, an incredible achievement in barely 250 pages”

Jim Pollard, editor,

Rather than push some minority line, pet theme or new chauvinist solution, [this book] tackles men as a whole and as we are … The MANual is a first-class guide”

Phillip Hodson, psychotherapist, author and broadcaster

  • ‘Bringing the male crisis into the open’ in T. Lloyd and T. Wood (eds), What Next for Men?(Working with Men, 1996)
  • ‘Maintaining Male Power: Why Heterosexual Men Use Pornography’ in C. Itzin (ed), Pornography: Women, Violence and Civil Liberties (OUP, 1992)
  • I was also a co-editor of, and a regular contributor to, Achilles Heel magazine (1989-92). Achilles Heel aimed to provide a forum for discussion of men and masculinity from a gender equality perspective.